Rejoice! Wisely.

When they [the Wise Men] saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. – Matthew 2:10-11

Do you ever find yourself jumping up and down, laughing hysterically, giving high fives, and looking around in bewildered, joyful disbelief? Probably not often. If you have reacted to something in such an exuberant way, what was it? Did you win the lottery or some big prize? Did your favorite sports team win the big game? Or was it a job promotion? Perhaps the birth of a child or grandchild?

It’s easy to react with exceedingly great joy when we’ve received something exceedingly great. So, have you ever reacted with exceedingly great joy about Jesus? Or any of the unnumerable gifts he’s given you?

When the Wise men saw the star pointing them to the prophesied Messiah, “they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.” We don’t know exactly what it looked like when dignified men of the ancient far east celebrated vivaciously, but do know that they sought Jesus obsessively, discovered him joyfully, and worshiped him extravagantly.

Most of us would say with our mouths that Jesus’s love and salvation are the greatest gifts we’ve ever received, but do our actions and attitudes reflect this? Would your neighbors, family, and co-workers say about you, “Man, nothing excites him more than Jesus!” Or do they see something else on earth engendering affection and joy in your life?

Christmas is a season when we are meant to focus not only on Jesus’s birth, but also the reasons he came: to bring us abundant and eternal life through his sacrifice on the cross for our sins. Consider making this the year you begin spending fewer resources (time, energy, money) on earthly pleasures like food, décor, and gifts, and more on rejoicing and worshiping Immanuel – God with us! Truly, what greater gift is there?

Make a list of 3 ways you can incorporate rejoicing and worship of Jesus into your daily life this season. Consider singing Christ-centered Christmas songs with your family; reading Old Testament prophecies about Messiah and thanking God for fulfilling those prophecies (see, for example, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6-7, Zechariah 9:9); and speaking with genuine excitement to our own children and others about the best gifts we have ever received: the love, forgiveness, and salvation of Jesus! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if these habits extended beyond Christmastime into every day of our lives?

Father God, we praise and thank you for sending your only begotten Son, Jesus. Please help me, this season and in every season, to rejoice with exceedingly great joy about nothing except the many wonderful gifts you have lavishly provided through your Son, Jesus! Amen.

5 thoughts on “Rejoice! Wisely.”

  1. Good message, great advice. I found myself recently in Luke chapter 7. More specifically, meditating over verses 36-48. A woman (refered to not once but twice as “a sinner” v37 & 39), was so compelled to be in the presence of Jesus, she risked the ridicule and scorn of the immediate crowd to press on with the simple mission of her heart. Wash His feet with her tears, ointment them with her precious oil and dry them with her hair. Sometimes we just need to “be” in His presence. Or, “sit” at His feet like Mary in Luke 10:39. Leave the “doing” and “busy” and “working” for another time, there’ll always be another time. Admiration and adoration is never wasted on Jesus, nor can it be overdone. Missionary C. T. Studd wrote, “Only one life, ’twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

    1. Yes, such great truths worth understanding and taking to heart. We “work” so hard to cultivate joy, especially at this time of year, though much of our working has little (or no) eternal value. But “admiration and adoration is never wasted on Jesus, nor can it be overdone.” How true! When the angel said “I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to ALL people”, that “great joy” was JESUS and all that he embodies. This is what our family chooses to focus on this time of year (and always), and it does indeed bring great joy!

  2. Great post! I love your point on our reaction to the greatest gift anyone can receive (“Man, nothing excites him more than Jesus!”), salvation. This world is so distracting, and probably more often than not, we are more excited about earthly things that are temporary, than the eternal gift of salvation.


  3. During this busy CHRISTmas season I reread this post and it is a beautiful reminder of how we should be thinking about Jesus the baby, Jesus the man and Jesus the Saviour of the World not only during CHRISTmas but all year long. I was reminded about a much loved quote by Augustine…“Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.”
    ― Augustine of Hippo, Confessions
    Thank you Kelly for the reminder to keep our hearts, mind and soul focused on Jesus. Thank you Jesus for the indescribable gift you gave us by coming to earth, dying for our sins, rising from the dead and saving us a place a place in Heaven to spend eternity with you. My favorite gift of all.

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